
When it's absolutely, positively, got to get fixed, call us.
Baham Labs can dispatch a highly trained technician to your location!
Baton Rouge: 225-276-3205
New Orleans: 504-315-5815
Hours of Operation: 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM
What qualifies as an emergency?
An emergency is an unscheduled on-site priority tech request. Be sure to specify in your call that your situation is urgent and requires emergency service.
What types of emergencies are supported?
Hard Drive crashes, Virus infections, Network outages, Server issues, Data Base Corruption, Cabling problems, Internet connectivity, E-mail problems, and More!
How soon can a technician arrive?
If you request emergency tech support, we will locate a technician specializing in your situation closest to your location. We'll estimate a time of arrival for you. Keep in mind that traffic, weather, and other conditions may also play a role in arrival times.
How much is the emergency service cost?
Emergency services start at a flat rate of $150 for labor (the lowest in the region). The price may need to be adjusted if additional hardware, software, cabling, or other items are required.
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